Sunday 6 October 2019

Haidilao 海底捞 @ Gurney Paragon, Penang [GPS]

Haidilao (海底捞) has officially opened its doors in the Northern Region, Malaysia. It's now located on the 4th Floor of Gurney Paragon, Penang. Albeit I'd tried it in Singapore once before but I would still like to try it once again... not only for its foods but also the service. The customers can enjoy the free-flow snacks, popcorn, fresh fruits, ice-cream, coffee and even free manicure service while waiting for their turn.

海底捞终于在北马(Gurney Paragon 4楼)开始营业啦!虽然我之前曾在新加坡尝试过一次,但我仍然想再次尝试一下… 不仅是因为它的食物而且还有其服务。 顾客可以在等候期间享受无限量,免费的小吃,爆米花,新鲜水果,冰淇淋和咖啡,甚至还有免费修指甲服务。

Thanks to my cousin's friend who got us the reservation number beforehand, therefore we don't have to queue and waiting long at the waiting lounge.

Full  video

Once we reached, the waiting lounge is already packed with the customers who are waiting for their turn. In front of the main entrance are still many people lining up although they have been told that the reservation for the morning session has already finished. When it's our turn, there's a staff leading us to our seat with a rose which acts as a tour guide flag (it's quite embarrassing honestly). Haha :) 

当我们到达的时候,等待厅已经挤满了顾客。除此之外,尽管员工已告诉在门口的顾客早上的号码已经派完了,他们依然还在等待。轮到我们的时侯,有位工作人员带着一朵假玫瑰充当导游的旗帜,带领我们去到我们的座位(说实话,这很尴尬)。 哈哈 :)

After we seating down, the "tour guide" introduced us to a young man who will be serving us during our meal. Later then, we're given a hot towel, aprons, hairband, and a lens wet wipe. Following that, we're given a tablet to register the membership at no cost and order our foods.

当我们坐下后,“导游”向我们介绍了一位小哥哥,他将在我们用餐时为我们服务。 之后,我们每人拿到一条热毛巾,围裙,发带和湿镜擦拭巾。 接下来,小哥哥给了我们一个平板电脑,让我们免费注册成为会员和点购我们要的食物。

The menu is pretty straightforward, but at first, you have to decide how many bases you prefer for your hotpot. It can be one, two or four. According to the tips from the social media platform, it's more worth to order four bases and the clear soup is free of charge. Therefore, we decided to order our favourite Tomato Soup, Pork Stomach with Pepper and 2 clear soups. (It's only RM 16 for our hotpot).

海底捞的菜单非常简单明了,但是首先,您必须先选择你想要的火锅格数。可以是一,二或四宫格。 根据某社交媒体平台上的提示,点购四个格数的更值得,而且清汤还是免费的。 因此,我们决定点我们最喜欢的番茄汤,猪肚胡椒汤和2个清汤。 (总共只需RM 16)。

Another given tip is a half serving of the dish is more than a serving (the price for a serving is not cheaper though), so, we decided to follow the tip by ordered all the dishes in a half serving.


Apart from that, there are also over 20 types of condiments and sauces at the self-served seasoning bar but there is a charge of RM 8 per person.

除此之外,自助式调味吧还提供20多种调味品和调味料,但每人需收费RM 8。

One of the dishes that you must not miss is their homemade "Kung Fu Noodles " which the chef will stretch the dough right beside your table until it becomes the noodles.


Throughout our meal, the staffs here serve us passionately, not only helps us to DIY the sauce, change a new bowl, and even frequently asks us whether we need the hot towel and put the foods we ordered into the hotpot. However, in my opinion, it's slightly annoying when you received the "luxury customer service" while you just want to enjoy your food peacefully (maybe some people would like others to serve them as like the King and Queen). Haha :)

在整个用餐过程中,这里的员工都很热情的为我们服务,不仅帮助我们调酱料,更换新碗,甚至还经常询问我们是否需要热毛巾或是将食物放进锅中吗。尽管如此,我本身是觉得这“豪华服务”有点负担,尤其是你只想要安静的用餐时(当然,有些人喜欢像国王和王后一样被人家服侍)哈哈 :)


Service: 8.0 (1 bad → 10 good)
Price: 6.5 (1 expensive → 10 cheap)
Ambiance: 7.5 (1 bad → 10 good)
Parking: 7.0 (1 bad → 10 good)
Service charge: -
Government tax: -

Business Info:
Contact Number: +604 297 1263 /+604 297 1264
Operating Hours: 10:30am – 3:00am (Daily)
URL: Facebook

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